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Body Positivity, or... not.

One thing people do actually tell you over and over again is how much your body will change, how it will never be the same again.... or not. Some people tell you breastfeeding will help your body bounce back. No. None of this is true. What? What do I mean NONE of it is true?

I mean everyone is different. As moms, we will inherently compare ourselves to others, just like we will compare our children to theirs. 

For example, L started walking around 11 months old but has little to no communication skills. My friend has a daughter who is a month older that repeats every single word she says. She points to what she wants. She uses sign language. When I tried to teach L the sign for "more," it resulted in a very angry toddler hitting me repeatedly instead. You cannot use other children as an accurate measurement for your own. Every child is different and so is every mother.

So, I am a fat mom. I gained more weight breastfeeding than I did while pregnant. Embarrassing. Other moms look like they never even had a baby, so what the hell? What happened to MY body? I wanted to be a 23 year old MILF! I don't even get asked for my ID anymore when I purchase alcohol. 

You know what has helped me lose 25lbs and counting, besides the obvious diet and exercise? Telling myself I can do it. I can lose weight and keep it off. I can do this. And you know what? So can you. Find what works for you. Move more. Just do something. Don't wallow in your self hatred mama. Get your ass up, put the cookie down, and go for a walk around the block. Oh, it's raining? Try yoga. It helps your body align again. 

Yes, your body changes after a baby. But you can get it back. It takes a lot of work and patience but you can do it. You can do anything mama. You've made it this far so don't stop now.

You can do anything.

I'm by no means perfect. I will never be. Here's the catch though: I don't have to be perfect. I just have to be Mom. 

L will not remember me as being fat or having a squishy belly. She will not picture me with stretch marks and saggy, empty breasts. She will always just know me as her mom. Think about it. How do you remember your mom? Picture her in your mind as far back as you can remember. All I remember about my mom, the same person I see every single day, is that she was beautiful and still is. She's my mom, my protector, my everything. That is how your child sees you. They see nothing but home in you. 

Do not burn down their home. 


The Honest Mom

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